Accreditations for the UCI BMX World Cups Bogotá 2022

The General Directorate and the Communications Directorate of the UCI BMX World Cups Bogotá 2022 inform the local, national, and international media of the opening of the accreditation process to cover the four rounds of the UCI BMX World Cups, which will take place on the Carlos Alberto Ramírez track, at the Parque Recreo Deportivo El Salitre in Bogotá, from September 24 to 25 (fifth and sixth rounds) and from October 1 to 2 (seventh and eighth rounds).
The media interested in covering this event must send an accreditation request, with the following information:
-Letter from the media addressed to the Colombian Cycling Federation, signed by the director, listing the people to be accredited. The request must include:
Accredited’s names
Identification number
Role to play
Contact number
-It is important that in the application it is related if the medium will be present in the two weekends that the World Cups will be held or only in one.
-The scanned letter must be sent as soon as possible, solely, and exclusively, to the email: [email protected].
Accreditation applications will be received until next Thursday, September 15, at 5:00 in the afternoon. Please note that applications received outside of this date will NOT be considered.
In case your application is approved, you will be informed through the email related in the application, the date, time, and place in which you can claim your credential and the handle that will allow you to access the track during the event.
The quotas that may be requested by each medium were defined as follows:
With transmission: 2 people
Without transmission and online: 1 person
National programs and newscasts: 2 people
National: 2 people (photographer and journalist)
Venue: 1 person
Specialized website (not personal network accounts or blogs): 1 person
Keep in mind:
No requests will be received in person, or by phone, or by WhatsApp chat, or social media applications. Requests made by other means or to another email will not be considered and are the sole responsibility of the sender.
The accredited media must carefully select the personnel in charge of covering the UCI BMX World Cups Bogotá 2022, considering that, once the accreditation requests are accepted, no new requests are accepted from outside, nor changes in assigned staff
The organization will provide journalistic material (photos, videos, and results).
Likewise, daily material would be sent with the protagonists of each round of the World Cups.
The official transmission will produce the Olympic Channel on YouTube.
Media placement on the track
The organization of the UCI BMX World Cups Bogotá 2022 will establish specific work areas with personnel available in each area (registrations, press room and mixed zone) to give the respective indications about the location to which they will have access according to the medium and the work to perform.
No person is authorized to be in places other than the one that corresponds to cover the event and must attend to all indications to comply with what is established by the organization.
On the track, due to UCI security regulations, there will only be one photographer from the organization and one international photographer. The other accredited (selected by the organization) must work in the outer sectors and from a place set up in the grandstand.